Coach Corey Wayne

Creating The Conditions To Attract The Perfect Girl For You



Join this channel to get access to exclusive members only videos, full viewer questions podcasts & The 3% Man & Mastering Yourself Study Group Podcasts with the girls where we discuss the content of both books in depth: Join Members Only Spotify: Join Members Only On My Website (you must create a free account first by subscribing to the free email newsletter): How to create the conditions in your life to attract the perfect girl for you. In this video coaching newsletter I discuss an email from a 27 year old viewer who has read 3% Man, 20 times. He originally discovered my work after a bad breakup. Since then he’s had a lot of success with women doing cold approaches instead of the dating apps. However, despite his success he hasn’t met anyone who really knocks his socks off and who he’d want to have a family with. He’s worr