Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

Caitlin Clark fouled! Trump 'crime'? Weight loss drug | JLP Tue 6-4-24



JLP Hr 1  It's parents' fault, not tech!  //  Flagrant foul on Caitlin Clark  //  CALLS: Donald in WA (1st-timer) not a good person. Forgiven mother? Messy caller.  //  Dee in IL (1st) feels like a minority, being white…. Hake News  //   
 JLP Hr 2  Super Chats: JLP tees, Caitlin Clark vs blacks, ugly world, fathers' love  //  CALLS: James in MD has God's intellect (Bible), but is angry.  //  Joe in IL (1st) N-word a nautical term.  //  Beyonce goes "country"?  //  Super Chats, Hake on BQ: What are you trying to win? Watch Trump. Wife/Husband conflict.  //  Weight loss drug? Do it the right way.  //  Hake News  //   
 JLP Hr 3  Ozempic/Wegovy stomach problems? Women presenting news, taking men's jobs!  //  CALL: Mike in NJ (1st) 44, not praying, living with mother  //  Reagan in TN argues with father-in-law about "righteous anger." Why? Afraid!  //  Kyle in FL (1st) forgive father for wrongs against him as a child. …  //   (0:00:00) HOUR 1, BQ: What are you trying to win? … Country & Western Tuesday  (0:06: