Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

The early bird dance club business is booming



It’s a New York edition of “Make Me Smart”! Marketplace’s Kristin Schwab joins Kimberly in the NYC bureau to discuss a growing trend in the city that never sleeps: Nightlife is winding down a lot earlier these days, and that might be good for businesses. But first, why Tornado Alley may be migrating east, and a deeper look into the legal loopholes of campaign finance. Plus, the rescue of an orphaned baby elephant is making us smile. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Tornadoes shifting east in the U.S., study finds, putting more people at risk” from The Washington Post “Everything You Need to Know About the New ‘Twisters’ Movie” from Parade “$800K transfer from billionaire donor to US Chamber raises curtain on dark money” from The Hill “Reservations at 5 p.m.? Why the early bird dinner is cool again” from The Globe and Mail “Forget Partying Till the Wee Hours. Newlyweds Want to End Early.” from The New York Times “This dance party made for elder Mi