Taylor Marshall Catholic Show

#059: Revolution in Catholic Education - Jennifer Fulwiler Interviews Taylor Marshall



Happy New Year’s Eve! I have a sore throat and my voice is shot, so instead of recording I’m sharing a really fun interview that I did with former-atheist, now-Catholic author, blogger, radio host Jennifer Fulwiler at conversiondiary.com. She recently invited me to be on her Sirius XM radio show to talk about the “coming revolution in education.” I predict that college institutions will begin to lose their grip on the market and explain why. So please listen and enjoy this different kind of podcast. Please click here to listen to the podcast: You can leave a comment by clicking here. 4 Quick Bullet Points: What is the Taylor Marshall Show Podcast? This my weekly podcast hosted on iTunes, where I become a little more casual and share things from my own life – failings and personal insights. How do I present this material? I wrap together classical theology from the Jewish proverbs, the sayings of Christ, the lives of the Saints, and the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas. Is this podcast popular? Itâ