Beat Your Genes: An Evolutionary Psychology Podcast For Finding Happiness In The Modern World

333: Great marriage but romance FADING? How do our traits OVERLAP? Are PSYCH meds EVER worth it?



Evolutionary psychologist, Doug Lisle, PhD discusses listener questions with host, Nathan Gershfeld.  In Today's show, Dr. Lisle discusses the overlap of Big Five traits in normal human behavior and how to understand the conceptual framework rather than getting bogged down in formulaic thinking.  Our next question has to do with anti-anxiety medications and whether they are ever worth taking.  Then we wrap things with a question about being in a great marriage to a best friend but whose romance is fading.  1. The big five traits overlap way too much! for ex is someone nice because they are agreeable or because they are extremely conscientious and believe it is the right way to behave or are they just intelligent enough to understand that being nice is an advantageous strategy to get people to cooperate with them? any new developments in the field of personality? 2. Are there any situations or personality types where you believe taking anti-anxiety medications would be a good choice? Versus just seeing a good