Larry Williams Drive

Heather du Plessis Allan: Roger Douglas is right - we have too much debt



Today is 40 years to the day since Rob Muldoon called the snap election.   Which then, of course, led to his defeat. Which then, of course, led to the incoming Labour Government, realised we were nearly broke as a country. Which then led to them embarking on the most amazing set of reforms which they do not get enough credit for to this day - and get way too much grief for.   It is a really interesting anniversary for us to mark right now - as we find ourselves in a recession that feels like the worst that many of us have ever experienced. As we watch old names in New Zealand, like Smith and Caughey give up. As we see projections that the country's debt will just keep growing.  Because today, Roger Douglas - one of the primary architects of those reforms back in 1984 - has given an interview saying we are as in as much trouble today, as we were back in 1984. By the way, if you ask why is Roger Douglas piping up again? He's not stopped, ay. You cannot stop the man. He's still pouring over all the government fi