Jenn Taylor #rerouting

Married 21 years 3 children 2 sheltie dogs 1 bunny and a fish- Gina Mundy Childbirth Attorney S7 E21



Working mom - An attorney for 21 years specializing in childbirth cases. Parenting and working has always been a challenge, particularly since I am married to a busy business owner. My husband and I worked together closely when raising kids, plus had great support from his parents. This allowed me to travel the country for work. I am also a bestselling author and that journey did require me to spend less time with my family. It took 14 months and 1000's of hours to write the book. I get up at 3:00 am everyday and usually in bed between 7pm and 8pm. The book was published in June 2023. Author of the Book a "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth." As an attorney that specializes in childbirth cases, I have analyzed the mistakes that are made during labor and delivery. Drawing on this knowledge, I authored the book "A Parent's Guide to a Safer Childbirth" to help parents prevent these mistakes and have a healthy baby. Rather than merely getting involved after an unfortunate mistake was made, I am getting invo