Rich Zeoli

The Rich Zeoli Show is LIVE from CPAC!



The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode (02/22/2024): 3:05pm- The Rich Zeoli Show is broadcasting live from CPAC in Washington D.C.—"the largest and most influential gathering of conservatives in the world.” And he opens the show with social media legend Greg Price. Price weighs-in on how conservatives can’t abandon Gen Z and, consequently, perhaps conservatives should have a presence on TikTok? 3:30pm- The first couple of CPAC: Matt & Mercedes Schlapp join The Rich Zeoli Show! Matt is the chairman of the American Conservative Union & the host of CPAC. Mercedes is the former White House Director of Strategic Communications for the Trump Administration and a Newsmax Contributor. How will the 2024 presidential election unfold—and can Donald Trump win Pennsylvania? 4:05pm- Meg Brock—Investigator at The Daily Caller—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss her big speech at CPAC, her fight against the predations of big government, and the dangers of promoting gender ideology to young, impressionable children. Brock