Rich Zeoli

House Freedom Caucus Chair Scott Perry + The Drive at 5 with Dr. EJ Antoni



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 3: Dr. EJ Antoni—Economist & Research Fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss the Biden Administration’s ineffective sanctions against Russia, President Donald Trump’s insistence that NATO members spend 2% of annual gross domestic product (GDP), and the Senate’s $95 billion foreign aid bill. PLUS, President Joe Biden has decided (once again) to unilaterally cancel student loan debt! Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau—who is definitely NOT the son of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro—claims there is a “deliberate undermining of mainstream media” by conspiracy theorists. Congressman Scott Perry—Representative for Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District & Chair of the House Freedom Caucus—joins The Rich Zeoli Show from CPAC in Washington, D.C.!