Rich Zeoli

Daily Caller Investigative Reporter Meg Brock + Trump Deputy Comm. Director Roma Daravi



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: Meg Brock—Investigator at The Daily Caller—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss her big speech at CPAC, her fight against the predations of big government, and the dangers of promoting gender ideology to young, impressionable children. Brock explains that Americans can’t be afraid to speak up. Roma Daravi—the former Deputy Strategic Communications Director to President Donald Trump—joins The Rich Zeoli Show to discuss Saturday’s South Carolina Primary, the Biden Administration’s disastrous border policies, and the much-needed return of Trump’s peace-keeping foreign policy strategies. Plus, did Sean Spicer really dress up as the Easter Bunny during the White House Easter Egg Roll??? Henry is cranky…but denies it.