Rich Zeoli

Mainstream Media is Starting to Admit Biden is Too Old



The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode: 3:05pm- On Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley teased a “major” speech. Many media outlets believed Haley was announcing the suspension of her campaign ahead of Saturday’s South Carolina primary, her home state, where she is projected to lose by 25-points, according to Real Clear Politics polling averages. However, she vowed to continue with her long-shot campaign. 3:10pm- In his Silver Bulletin newsletter, statistician Nate Silver wrote: “If you’d asked me a year ago, I would have told you that Joe Biden was a reasonably clear favorite in the event of a rematch against Donald Trump. Not an overwhelming favorite, mind you. But perhaps a 65:35 favorite…Since then, Biden’s situation has become considerably worse…Personally, I crossed the Rubicon in November, concluding that Biden should stand down if he wasn’t going to be able to run a normal reelection campaign—meaning, things like conduct a Super Bowl interview. Yes, it's a huge risk and, yes, Biden can st