Rich Zeoli

Trump’s $350+ Million Fine Could Lead to Businesses Fleeing New York



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: On Tuesday, Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley teased a “major” speech. Many media outlets believed Haley was announcing the suspension of her campaign ahead of Saturday’s South Carolina primary, her home state, where she is projected to lose by 25-points, according to Real Clear Politics polling averages. However, she vowed to continue with her long-shot campaign. While speaking with Jen Psaki on MSNBC, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi baselessly claimed that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Kremlin could successfully bribe Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump if he were ever to return to office. While appearing on CNN, businessman Kevin O’Leary warned that Judge Arthur F. Engoron’s decision to fine Donald Trump $354 million for inflating the value of assets controlled by the Trump Organization in past financial statements could lead to businesses fleeing the state of New York—resulting in severe economic damages. O’Leary also noted how strange the civil s