Rich Zeoli

Absurd Laws: Connecticut Regulates the Bounciness of Pickles



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: During a White House press briefing on Wednesday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan answered questions about Congressional renewal of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). When asked if a warrant should be necessary for all collected data, Sullivan explained, “we do not believe that that serves the national security interests of the U.S.” Mairead Elordi of The Daily Wire writes: “A trans-identifying firefighter is suing the city of Philadelphia for allegedly refusing insurance coverage for his facial feminization surgery. The firefighter, a 55-year-old man who has been with the Philadelphia fire department for 28 years, claims that the city, as well as his union, Firefighters & Paramedics Local 22, and Independence Blue Cross insurance all discriminated against him on the basis of his gender identity.” You can read the full article here: