Rich Zeoli

Megachurch Shooter Had “Free Palestine” Sticker on Rifle



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 1: Hank Berrien of The Daily Wire writes: “A woman carrying an AR-15 that had ‘Free Palestine’ written on it started shooting at the megachurch of celebrity pastor Joel Osteen in Houston on Sunday, injuring one man before she was shot and killed by two off-duty officers working as security, police said… A federal law enforcement source said that the shooter used an AR-15 that had ‘Free Palestine’ written on it, CNN reports. Questions have emerged regarding the gender-identity of the shooter, who according to arrest records had also identified as a man named ‘Jeffrey’ in recent years.” You can read more about the story here: Philip Klein from National Review writes: “President Biden couldn’t even remember when he was vice president or when his son Beau had died, leading special counsel Robert Hur to conclude that he could not bring charges for mishandling of classified