Rich Zeoli

Complete Breakdown: Why Mayorkas Impeachment Failed



The Rich Zeoli Show- Hour 2: On Tuesday night, Republican leadership in the House of Representatives attempted to impeach Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas but failed. The final vote was 214-216. Four Republicans joined Democrats and voted “nay”— Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, Ken Buck of Colorado, Blake Moore of Utah, and Tom McClintock of California. Though, Rep. Moore switched his vote for procedural reasons to help Republicans reintroduce the article of impeachment at a later date. Why did Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) hold the vote if he didn’t have the numbers? Rep. Al Green (D-TX) had recently undergone abdominal surgery and rushed to the Capitol Hill from his hospital bed—arriving in hospital garb to vote. He was not expected to be in attendance. Republican leadership plans to hold another impeachment vote when House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA), who is receiving treatment for cancer, is healthy enough to vote. While speaking with the press, Senator John Fetterman (D