Rich Zeoli

Moron & Moron Law Firm + Trump Dominates New Hampshire Primary



The Rich Zeoli Show- Full Episode: 3:05pm- On Tuesday, New Hampshire held its Republican presidential primary with Donald Trump ultimately defeating Nikki Haley 54% to 43%. Meanwhile, despite not being sanctioned by the Democratic National Committee and consequently awarding no delegates, President Joe Biden defeated Rep. Dean Phillips 55% to 20%. Biden did not appear on the ballot—citing New Hampshire’s refusal to permit South Carolina from becoming the party’s first primary state—though his supporters did organize an extensive write-in campaign. 3:20pm- During a CNN panel discussion, political commentator Van Jones reacted to Donald Trump’s victory in New Hampshire—arguing that President Joe Biden’s general election opponent has now been established. He advised Biden to “stay hidden” and let his surrogates campaign on his behalf. 3:25pm- After a five-day Covid-instigated weekend, Matt returns to The Rich Zeoli Show. Rich and Henry mock him, though he believes he should be hailed as heroic for taking precaut