Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-6-27



news birthdays/events are your coworkers rude? word of the day news most subborn dog breeds would you have "awake" surgery? game: 3 word description actors news movie cliches that almost never happen in real life would you ever put a note on your neighbors' car? game: celebrity voice overs news game: general trivia foods that are aging to your skin goodbye/fun facts....National Onion Day...Whether we choose a sweet, white, red, or the ever-favorite yellow, we count on the onion to enhance the flavor of our savory recipes. this cooking powerhouse is packed with flavor and very few calories, it's also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. and even though they might make you cry when you cut them...According to recent research, consuming onions also helps the body fight colorectal cancer and breast cancer, as well as heart disease and diabetes. to reduce the tears, chill the onion: Refrigerate the onion for 30 minutes or freeze it for 10–15 minutes before cutting. The cold prevents the enzyme that causes tears fro