Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-6-26



news birthdays/events what are not willing to give up? word of the day news when you check out of a you like to get out quickly or have a conversation with the cashier/teller? game: I should have known that transit yodeling! news if you want to save money...use the $1 rule game: everybody knows products that are marked up 200%-1300% news if you had to #hashtag your life...what best describes it? game: backwards song game goodbye/fun facts....national coconut of the foods that the entire product can be used for something!  Coconut oil alone falls into the superfood category. We use the whole coconut in many different forms for our bodies and everyday cooking. From shredded coconut to milk, cream, water, and oil, each provides essential nutrients and flavor. Its anti-viral and anti-microbial properties are notable as well. the husk and shells can be used as a potting medium, carbon filtration, charcoal, bio-fuel, and even organic cat litter. The coconut’s adorable name has an in