Ashley And Brad Show

Ashley and Brad Show - ABS 2024-6-25



news birthdays/events parental summer burnout word of the day news game: name that song in 1 second why should you go for a the sand what's your summer personality?  (do you love or hate the summer) news game: celebrity voice overs former rich kids...and when they realized their lives weren't normal (buzzfeed) does your comfort food change during the summer? news game: christmas outburst travel scams are up....way up.   goodbye/fun facts....National Strawberry Parfait Day....because it's peak strawberry season. Parfait is French for perfect. The traditional parfait is a dessert of ice cream or frozen custard layered with fruit and whipped cream in a tall stemmed glass.....but they are so can make them with just about anything...including yogurt and strawberries....which makes it the perfect refreshing and healthy summertime snack! Strawberries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and folic acid, amongst many other things. Choose berries that have a bright red color, a natural shine and fr