Iron Sharpens Iron

God, the Ultimate Father: Lessons on Fatherhood (EP. 229)



Support our mission to change a culture, one man at a time – Ryan and Colton join the pod for July as we dive into the Fatherhood Series! What does it mean when we talk about God the Father? Throughout scripture God presents Himself to us as Father. In Exodus 4:22 we read, "Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son." Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7 is telling us us in comparison to even the best human father, how much more is God a good and loving father. Maybe your relationship with your dad is great, maybe it isn't. Maybe your dad isn't even in the picture. We want you to know and remember that God is the ultimate Father. If we are looking to anyone but Him we are always going to be disappointed. Maybe you are a dad yourself and trying to figure out how to lead, follow God's example. God cares for us, He provides for us and He disciplines us. God gently guides us and leads us in the way we should go. Remember men, God is the