Beauty Inside Out With Kimberly Snyder

How to Raise Your Standards In Your Love Life with Matthew Hussey (Encore Airing)



Kimberly Snyder speaks with New York Times best selling author Matthew Hussey about his new best selling book 'Love Life'. They discuss Matthew's journey as a dating coach, the importance of being happy and whole in oneself before finding a partner, and the patterns and behaviors that can hinder or enhance relationships. They also touch on the topics of self-esteem, fixing others, and the need for self-reflection and awareness in order to break unhealthy patterns. In this conversation, Matthew Hussey and Kimberly Snyder discuss the importance of values and compatibility in relationships. They emphasize the need to look beyond surface-level interests and focus on deeper connections. They also explore the concept of raising standards and making intentional choices in dating. The conversation delves into the topic of having children and the pressure that can come with it, offering practical advice on how to navigate this aspect of life. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights and guidance for findin