Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Discovering Your Witchpreneur Magic – A Special Solo Episode with Julie Foucht



In today’s solo episode we delve into the world of the Witchpreneur - women who blend their inherent magic, spirituality, and intuition with robust business practices.  Having coached Witchpreneurs over the last couple of decades, I’ve identified unique characteristics that set apart the various types. I've distilled these insights into a quiz designed to help you uncover your distinctive skills, challenges, and pathways to making more money while doing good in the world.    Here’s what we’ll explore:    - The powerful significance of the word "Witch"   - Different types of Witchpreneurs and their unique characteristics   - Tailored strategies for success according to your archetype   - The pivotal role this plays in your business transformation    Subscribe now so you’ll never miss an episode and leave us a review. It really helps us know which content is most important to you.    Join our Feminine Business Magic Facebook Group (  with your host, Julie Foucht. This