Where Did The Road Go?

UFO's, Ghosts, and High Strangeness - Jan 20, 2024



Seriah is joined by Sacha Christie and Colin Kerris, two experiencers from the UK with some fascinating recollections. Topics include an encounter with dancing ghosts, retro-causality, an optical illusion, an attempted crime, a childhood memory of an acorn-shaped UFO, abductee video diaries, Sacha’s “Paranormal Instigator” YouTube channel, odd UFO encounters and the difficulties of video, paranormal encounters and their personal meaning, space brothers beliefs, “alien abduction” experiences, reptilians, a bizarre encounter with an entity and a fellow abductee, a weird incident during a meditation exercise, a haunted bedroom and an invisible attacker leading into a reptilian abduction experience, an odd incident with a seagull, another person’s dream simultaneous with an abduction experience, an encounter shining a flashlight into the sky and being answered by an orb, poltergeist activity, the importance of challenging whether paranormal experiences have mundane explanations, Malcolm Robinson’s book “The Sauch