Where Did The Road Go?

Shadow People, Poltergeists, and an Owl - December 23, 2023



Seriah is joined by Brittany and Jonathan, hosts of the podcast “Strange Stories with the Seeker and the Skeptic”. Topics include different approaches to understanding the paranormal, youthful experiences with bizarre voices and phone calls, a haunted house experienced by other people, youthful encounters with poltergeist-type activity, small shadow animals, lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, a years-long series of related dreams, mindfulness, reading in dreams, a visitation from a departed relative, Reiki practice and experiences, activity happening or not happening depending on who is present, an intense shadow person encounter, the Dark Man in ritual magick, synchronicities and paranormal research, a shadow hand experience, a strange encounter with shadows at a friend’s home, liquid darkness, theories of time and other universes, emotional energy, Daryl Bem psy researcher at Cornel University, Jeffrey Kripal, an experience with poltergeist activity and emotional intensity and a disco ball, the Akashic Record