Journey Church Eva

What's Your Desire?



Notes: o    1 John 2:24-27 (NIV) 1.    Desire- Implies strong intention or aim. 2.    Desire, like love, is not a feeling but an action. o    Genesis 3:2-6 (NIV) 3.    Desire is a choice that you make to prefer God over every other option in front of you. o    1 Samuel 17: 34-37 (NIV) 4.    When you desire God, you will get involved and serve. 5.    When you desire God, you’ll surrender to His will not your agenda. 6.    When you desire God, you’ll pick up your cross, deny yourself, and follow Him. 7.    When you desire God, you're willing to be discipled by God. 8.    When you desire God, you’ll lift your hands up in worship, because you know what He’s brought you through! 9.    When you desire God, you will not allow someone to deceive you about what you know about our God. Need