Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Breaking Free from Others' Beliefs and Mindsets with Kimberly Spencer



Does your vision of yourself match what other’s think of you? Does that even matter?   Today’s guest, Kimberly Spencer, understands the surprising contrast between our perceived self and our true essence. We explore the path to shedding impostor syndrome and gradually constructing our most genuine selves, one step at a time.    Kimberly Spencer is an award-winning high-performance, trauma-informed coach and trainer, an Amazon best-selling author, TEDx speaker, and the founder of She dedicates her expertise to helping visionary leaders break free from self-limiting beliefs, establish their empires, boldly stand out, and achieve both the income and impact they truly deserve.    During our discussion, Kimberly and I delve into:     - Embracing the Queen Archetype in your business   - Emerging from the shadows; being bold and proactive   - Confronting the power of shame by speaking out and letting it go   - Overcoming restrictive mindsets and paradigms   - Fostering your divine femin