3rd Degree Byrne

3rd Degree Byrne: Star Trek Special 02



“Im not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor.” And yet magic is what we get. Come along with Tim Elliott and Brian Hughes as they continue their celebration of 50 years of Star Trek by reviewing the first issue of Star Trek: Leonard McCoy- Frontier Doctor. It is a story with ACTION, ADVENTURE AND A BLUE GIRL!! That really should have been the title. So transport over, sit down with your Mint Julip and listen as we relay the tales of an old country doctor out on the Final Frontier. Back on the subject of blue girls, do you think there is any market for them in Las Vegas? Maybe they could headline a new Star Trek Experience. Man I miss that place. Did you ever drink the blue drinks. Blue? Blue? I am seeing a trend here. What do Andorians drink? Oh, yeah, that McCoy quote was from the TOS episode “The Deadly Years”. Ok, now who knew that?Feedback for this show can be sent to: gottagetbyrned@gmail.com3rd Degree Byrne is proud to be part of the TwoTrueFreaks Interne