2edu - Szkolenia, Prezentacje, Rozwój

S01E09. How to start using video for learning?



Video for learning is a very exciting topic. Video is generally growing. Nowadays when you ask about how the younger generation will fix something they will say: video. The demand for video is increasing in all the industries so in learning as well. At the same time we are facing the scalability issues with video.Anton Bollen is my friend since the old times of first EduCamp conferences and TechSmith European Evangelist. Based in Berlin, he works directly with many customers and helps to ensure their success with TechSmith products. Outside of work you will find him solving Rubik's cubes, brewing beer and spending time with his family. As the TechSmith Evangelist he is an expert in video for learning and these are the questions I had asked him: - What is the situation of video in learning nowadays? - What is the difference between learning video and just something on youtube? - If I am an instructor, should I be interested in video, youtube and all this stuff? - Why people ignore video? Why only few instructo