Grace Church

A Clear Calling | Awake the Lake | Week 3



Big Idea: God has entrusted you with a unique calling, will you discover it?   Three Unique Truths about Your Unique Calling.   Your Calling has been handcrafted by God (:4-5)  Your Calling will be accompanied by doubts (:6-8)  Four Excuses when it Comes to Calling The “Jungles of Africa” excuse  The “I don’t have anything to offer” excuse  The “I’m too busy” excuse  The “I’m already using all my gifts” excuse     3. Your calling is your reason for being alive (:9-10)   5 missional arenas 1. your neighborhood 2. the marketplace 3. the church 4. a non-profit 5. an affinity group  Next Step:  Ask, “what is holding me back from discovering or stepping into my calling?”   Visit for more series resources