Midnight Screening

Captain America The Winter Soldier



FULL DISCLOSURE: The production quality of this episode is not indicitive of the rest of the show. Feedback was provided by are wonderful listeners and we listened.  Warning: This podcasts contains detailed plot spoilers.It is recommended that you watch the movie being discussed before listening.In This Episode:In the premier episode of Midnight Screening with Koleman and Matt, Koleman Ireland and Matt Phillips talk about what they have been watching the past week. Afterwards, Matt and Koleman have a discussion and review regarding the latest entry to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America The Winter Soldier.Followed up by a rundown on the latest Star Wars Episode VII News in the Star Wars Watch segment.Afterwards, a Culture Exchange is initiated, where both hosts task the other to watch a movie that they haven't seen to discuss in the next episode.Shout out to Brooke Takhar at www.missteenussr.comShout out to Colin Easton at www.thestrangerproject.ca