The Tj Arts Podcast

Season 2, Episode 12



The new TJ ARTSCast podcast is produced by TJ ARTS, a nonprofit organization committed to promoting and enhancing the arts in the schools and communities of West Jefferson Hills, just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Each month, hosts Dawn Walters and Jay Suszynski bring TJ ARTSCast to life as they showcase Pittsburghs arts scene and the unique work TJ Arts is doing in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. Dawn and Jay also showcase the regional arts scene as TJ ARTS connects with communities and the professional arts Pittsburgh offers; and the national arts scene is in the spotlight as the podcast examines the state of the arts throughout the United States. Visit the home site online for TJ ARTSCast at TJ ARTSCast - a local voice with universal reach trumpeting the need for the best in arts education in the Pittsburgh region and throughout the United States.