Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#320 How to order food in a restaurant in the USA



Today, I'll talk about how to order food in a restaurant in the United States! We'll review helpful phrases, cultural tips about tipping, and how to ask for a takeaway box. Plus, we'll practice fluency with a mini-story. Understanding the Menu When you go to a restaurant in the U.S., you'll usually get a menu that's divided into sections: Appetizers – small dishes served before the main course. Entrées – are your main dishes. Sides – small portions of your meal, like fries or salad. Desserts – sweet treats to end your meal! Get the transcript on my website: https://speakenglishpodcast.com/320-how-to-order-food-in-a-restaurant-in-the-usa/
