

On the podcast this week, brand new guest Jen joins us for SOMETHING FISHY! Um, that makes it sound sketchy. That's the title of the Mighty Morpin' Power Rangers episode that we watch, I swear. Here's some of what goes down. Still no Green Ranger. He "lost his powers in a terrible candle accident." We all collectively nostalgia freak out when The Secret World of Alex Mack is mentioned. We discuss how Tommy was probably responsible for inspiring a lot of bad, long 90s hair. Guest Jen is trying to start a publication to help young creatives. Help her out or you're evil like Rita and a coward like Goldar. The Putties have a weakness! Getting eskies on their heads, apparently! "You've got to shimmy to shoot your goo." We learn what 'sport' Ernie plays. No surprises there >.> AND SO MUCH MORE!!!!