

New guests Dane and Rhi join us as we watch the first part of the quasi-season finale of the first season of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers! It's DOOMSDAY!!!! ...PART ONE! Here's some of what goes down on the show: It's Power Rangers Day in Angel Grove! Come celebrate with big, colourful, ambiguous tube things in the park! So apparently Goldar has a Megazord now? *record scratch* "I don't understand how a wind can be evil, but that's fine." Zack almost breaks one of his most sacred Power Rangers vows to get with Angela. But, y'know. We've all been there. Oh you know that Megazord thing Goldar has? It's "like a giant, mechanical, three-eyed genie". Because of course it is. "For some reason they decided that having the Power Rangers punching Satan in the face wouldn't be awesome." AND SO MUCH MORE!!!