Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

MOVE YOUR MEALS How I Accidentally Upgraded My Biology & Bubbly-ness With Intermittent Fasting with Mihaela Telecan BDS17



MIHAELA TELECAN comes on to confirm my dietary instincts and back up the intuitive diet I went on after going SUGARLESS.   As part of curing my BRAIN FROM BURN OUT I went off sugar and then all of a sudden I instinctively moved my meals around and felt better and more bubbly than ever (and if you know me, you'll wonder how I could be any more BUBBLY... it's possible!).   I brought Mihaela Telecan on to explain and confirm my suspicions... that my natural instinctive new way of eating by moving my meals around, was actually phenomenally more healthy than what I'd been previously doing.   NOTE: I'm not a strict intermittent faster. I'm not a dieter. What happened was I went SUGARLESS.   I watched 'THAT SUGAR FILM" last November and got all the information I needed to get motivated to remove SUGAR from my diet. I didn't have a book. A guide. A plan. I just went SUGARLESS... that day, straight after watching 'THAT SUGAR FILM' on Youtube.   3 days later I was feeling less foggy than ever (which was a great bonus t