Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

BEST SELLING BOOK How to Write a Best Selling Book in 30 Days BDS16



How to Write a Best Selling Book in 30 Days BDS16 One of my BIG BIGGEST DREAMS was to be a BEST SELLING AUTHOR living the WRITERS LIFE! That big dream happened in October! (My birthday month and in my birthday week I got the divine inspiration to travel Australia in a caravan and that's how come we are here on the Big Dreams Trip!) My Best Selling Book #UNJUGGLED was written from GO to BEST SELLING book... in 30days. Idea for your Best Selling Book Motivation & Inspiration for your Best Selling Book Organising your BRAIN to write your Best Selling Book in 30 days How to separate book into parts My secret method to make writing easier  The tech parts of writing a Best Sellling Book Secret tricks for getting your Book to a Best Seller How to use Evernote to do Everything around writing your Best Selling Book  How to stay motivated to write your Best Selling Book  And more...    GET THE "Jana's Writing Workshop" as a bonus inside Big Dreams Bootcamp NOW www.bigdreams