Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

BIG DREAMS JUGGLING 5 Things I Did to Graduate Uni With Kids (and a bunch of businesses) BDS15



Making Minutes Matter - How I graduated UNI with a heap of kids & a BUNCH of BUSINESSES.   After recording my last podcast on the 7 things I did to achieve this big dreams trip - It got me thinking, sitting in my caravan, what are some of the other big dreams I've achieved and how did I do them.   Go back to 2006 I was pregnant with second baby, was a teenage mum, high school drop out. These are the 5 things I did to beat the velocity of what I was supposed to turn out to be. Rebelling from what society was telling me my life was going to be. It fuelled everything that came after. Including the big dreams life I have now, with my big dreams business. Here's the specific things I did to achieve the university graduate big dream.   Sticking it to stereotypes. Motivation in the moment. Make the minutes matter.   #1 UNJUGGLED - 2 Words = MORNING ROUTINES + getting physically unjuggled, getting emotionally unjuggled, getting spiritually unjuggled.   #2 DEJA VU The 2 fold benefit of the power of DEJA VU. (A) It