Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

FB ADDICTION Don't Waste Dopamine on Facebook | Get The F Off FB | Make It Faster Masterclass BDS10



Wasting time on Facebook? It's the bane of us Juggling Entrepreneurs who juggle a bajillion things... including little humans! This new way of looking at Dopamine and the link with checking Facebook, might help you ironically - stop checking it unconsciously!  I love Social Media + I know we have to be everywhere. Don't get me wrong, but there's a way to use it and a way to abuse it... choose which way you wanna use it.  Knowing how to use your Dopamine stores to use on important marketing materials... faster! This new way of looking at it will help you to see it as less innocent than what it appears and really know what's happening when you CHECK it! This is a super fast tip to divert yourself when you're about to compulsively or impulsively innocently CHECK Facebook.  See how FB checking (not conscious FB checking) takes away your creativity and ability to get into flow... and flow as we all know, in the scientific / brain sense of things, is that state of mind where you get big crazy, complex creation done