Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

PRODUCTivity K.I.S.S All Day Long | Simplicity Equals Execution | Keep It Super Simple With Marketing & Everything | Make It Faster Masterclass | BDS9



Keep It Super Simple is a strategy for making it faster and testing what works. Stop  Stick the computer in front of your face and press record - see what happens.  Stop pre-planning the plan.  Overcomplicating your business and marketing elements is a sure fire way not to start and to keep mucking around in the backend of your business, instead of the front end of  your business, where it counts.  Learn how I prepare for these podcasts or my "stick your mug infront of the camera and see what comes out".  A super simple way to stop making marketing materials faster. Because one way to guarantee a slow-moving business is to not make it faster and market it better!  I've taught this "put your mug in front of the camera" to so many people, that have then gone on to become STARS on video + even teaching VIDEO recording techniques! So seriously anyone can go from being crap on camera, to being a star on camera with practice. Love Jana xx  Jana Kingsford B.Comm (PR) Big Dreams Strategist, Writer, Trainer and Pro Bi