Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

LITTLELAUNCHES Feminine Energy Launching with #littlelauncher Carly Stephan | Launch A Little Course BDS4



How to Bring Feminine Energy to a Launch. Carly Stephan, is a Launch A Little Course graduate and just launched her very first little course (successfully) after leaving her J.O.B a month ago! We had a Big Dreams Strategies chat about how she launched whilst staying in Feminine Flow!  We talked about imbuing your launches and all your content with energy.  We talked about how Social Media posts are transmissions and it's important to watch your energy before you transmit anything. We talked about her 3 x Show-Us-Your-Tips (I loved the 3rd one! About blowing your own mind!)  We talked about transitioning from a J.O.B to doing a course. We talked about courses being an important element to add to the 1:1 coaching you do.  I loved watching Carly Stephan launch, energetically I could feel her embodying everything she was about to teach - into her launch. It had this feminine feel to it. We talked about how to know if LAUNCHING is for you or not We talked about SPIRITUAL BYPASSING and how to catch yourself if you