Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

PRODUCTivity Decide it or Deny it | Make It Fasterclass BDS2



Woah, this one IS powerful. This will get you unblocked like nothing else can get you unblocked. Quite simply - if you're blocked, you haven't decided to do it it or not. If you don't decide, you deny it.  12minutes and you might be able to see EXACTLY why you're blocked on a project or a task. Basically in a nutshell. - I can tell if you're dithering with a task - you haven't fully DECIDED you're going to do it or not. You're back pocketing excuses. - You're thinking about it - you haven't decided to do it. - If you're thinking about 'launching' - you haven't decided to do it (and you won't be taking action). - If you're not taking action on it, it's pure and simple, you haven't completely decided you're going to do it. End of story. So decide. Are you going to DO IT OR DROP IT! >> It really makes more sense when you listen to the PODCAST