Big Dreams Strategies By Jana Kingsford Pro Biz(+kid) Juggler

PRODUCTivity #1 Q To Ask Before You Start | Define Daily Doing | Make It Faster Masterclass BDS1



PRODUCTIVITY Make-It-Faster Masterclass. The #1 Question To Ask Before You Start. Or if you want to start anything for that matter.   Define Daily Doing.   What are you working for? That's what I'm going to ask you straight away. Because as much as I want to skip to the juicy-never-seen-before-stuff in day 3 and more. There's a place we all have to start and it's not at all glamourous or groundbreaking. You're not a new kid on the block to all this productivity and unblocking stuff. You know the deal. But it's funny how we resist the most basic of activities - so that we can get to the glamourous big actions.   But if you do that. Skip the basics and you put a bandaid on a broken leg. I don't skip basics and it would be irresponsible of me not to start with the basics with you.   So. What are you working for? This is the question, that I really don't think we ask ourselves enough. We carry on our merry way, gallivanting down a road, to somewhere we don't even want to go.   We forget what we're working for! If