Goin' On Podcast

#21 Des Delgadillo



Des Delgadillo would call himself an entrepreneur, but that would imply he gets paid for his various wacky endeavors. Sadly, he does not. After losing his sight to Congenital Glaucoma at an early age, Des has never let total blindness stop him from being a very funny comedian, a pro wrestling journalist, and an all-around swell guy. He made this blog to give himself and his best buddies a platform to talk about all the things that make their geek worlds go, like British stand up, Kevin Smith films, Doctor Who, Japanese cartoons, obscure music, and pro wrestling. Des also made this blog and wrote this bio because he enjoys referring to himself in the third person. When Des isn’t writing about, watching, or arguing about men in tights, he can be seen flexing his funny muscle at various comedic locales, including the world famous Comedy Store andHollywood Improv. If you’d care to read more of Des’s spandex-related exploits, bask in his work for Pro Wrestling Ponderings, ROHWorld.com, and Wrestletalk.TV. Des also