Colin Thomson: Do More

021: Solo Saturday: Structure in Creativity



Key Take Aways: A lot of people and artists try to approach creativity with no sense of structure A lot of artists think that the only way to be creative is to do away with structure Structure gives you freedom in creativity - the boundaries that you are allowed to be completely free inside If you completely understand the structure, and the agreed upon norms when it comes to art, you understand how and when to do away with them for the sake of your creativity But structure is two-sided: Structure helps with productivity as well as creativity And to the creative person, structure is the best way to make sure that they stay creative - and produce creative content on a regular basis Map out your day - consider recording your time to find out what is going where (be VERY honest if you decide to do this) Make specific plans about how you are going to spend your time - from the time you get up to the time you go to bed - and include the time that you are going to spend creating music Of course, this lifestyle is