Dear Luke

Dear Luke 15 - Suggestion #10: Activate Humanity



In this fifteenth letter of Dear Luke, I share Suggestion #10 of what I lovingly call, The Ten Suggestions, or The 10 Core Suggestions for a Personal Value System. I am so excited and happy to make it to the tenth suggestion, Activate Humanity, as I wrap up the spiral of awareness. In this letter I share a little about one of my personal heroes, an unsung hero, and how she has taught me about what activating humanity means. This idea sounds big, but is really much more down to earth and can be practiced by anyone. This suggestion is about seeking for the highest aspiration of a combined human family, reaching higher, stretching further, activating each individual you can, to elevate the whole human family, one person at a time. Check back each week as I post new letters. And if you enjoy Dear Luke, please feel free to share it!