Gordon's Gun Closet

Gordon's Gun Closet #5: The Musket



This week we take a good long look at the colorful history of the musket. From the earliest “hand gonne” to the good old Brown Bess and Charleville, from Germany to England to the Americas, there’s a lot to talk about. Light your slow match, knap your flint, of course be sure to keep your powder dry, and for supplemental pics and info be sure to visit Gordon's blog. Show notes and links: animagraphs (bearingarms.com) Analysis of  WWI material for Battlefield 1 (Forgotten Weapons at YouTube) Battlefield 1 Official Reveal Trailer Bren vs Spandau - which was better? (Lindybeige at YouTube) Captain Alatriste novels Weapons and Warfare in Renaissance Europe: Gunpowder, Technology, and Tactics: by Bert S. Hall History of the Art of War in the 16th Century, by Sir Charles Oman Musket  hacken busche or "hooked gun" (scroll down a bit) Rifles and Shotguns: The Art of Rifle and Shotgun...  Warren Hastings Miller (some text on the hacken busche) Arquebus  Falconet 16th century d