Diamond Factory

What You Need to DAILY to Build Your Young Living Business - Tom Challan



Working hard with no growth or rank advancement this year so far? Every day there are 4 VERY specific things you should be doing with ONE focus in order to attract prospects that are eager to join your team and start sharing with others. There are so many tools and opinions right now that can either help or hinder the growth of your business. It can be confusing and overwhelming no matter what rank you are in YL. Tom Challan is heading up this Monday Call to help you and your team get on track to clarity and growth in the next 30 days! You have 2 months left to end 2017 with a bang. What you'll learn: The role tools play in your business - are they your system or support? 75% of your time needs to be doing this ONE thing or your business will STALL Why your team doesn't listen to you and they do the opposite (THEY DO WHAT YOU DO NOT WHAT YOU SAY The important things you should be doing each day of the week to stay focused in ACTION mode How to mobilize your team to get people to events and bring new peop