Diamond Factory

17 - 11 - 14 Jihan Thomas Diamond Living Fit Club Audio



Monday Night Webinar [Audio Version]: YL Diamond Jihan Thomas on Achieving Total Wellness with LivingFit.club How many times have you tried to achieve your ideal weight and you START a program but never get the scale needle to budge? Or worse, maybe you drop weight but it comes back plus some! Achieving your ideal weight and energy levels is not a weight loss program, it's a lifestyle. When you are living balanced, your body finds the right weight with ease. YL Diamond Jihan Thomas has created LivingFit.club for YOU to guide you to your ideal weight based off of her 20 yrs experience helping people do so. No fads, just simple changes you can make to look and FEEL amazing without harsh, temporary methods. What you'll learn tonight: 1. Why it seems YOU struggle with weight-loss programs and cannot find maintain easily 2. How LivingFit.club can help support those around you find wellness! 3. Can LivingFit.club help fitness, finances, and emotional state OR is it only weight focused? 4. If it's a "safe zone" t