Gbh - The Garry Bushell Hour

Patti Boulaye: From Strife To Stardom



Garry’s guest tonight Patti Boulaye shot to fame on ITV’s talent show New Faces. But hers is not a normal showbiz story.  Nigerian-born Patti lived through one of the worst genocides of the 20th century, growing up during the horrific Biafran civil war where one million people died either in fighting or from famine. Patti emigrated to London at 16, where she became an actress by accident… and a star through her pure talent. On tonight’s GBH, you’ll have an intimate encounter with a huge star… whose an heart is even bigger. Download the show as mp3 file Subscribe in iTunes The Garry Bushell Hour: A Talk Show The Way It Should Be Done: Raw, Honest And Very, Very Funny!