Gbh - The Garry Bushell Hour

The Cargo Cult of Europe



How are you going to vote in the forthcoming Euro-referendum? Conventional wisdom says that if you’re on the political right wing, you’ll probably vote against staying in the EU, and if you’re to the left, you’ll probably vote in favour of staying. Well, Garry’s guest tonight, Brian Denny of the RMT Union, has got some mind-opening surprises in store for you. “The EU means fascism at home”, says Brian, “and war abroad.” So he’s in Nigel Farage’s camp, then? By no means. UKIP comes across as psychotic, he says – and in reality, UKIP agrees with many of the EU’s positions on nationalisation and labour. Seems like there’s a lot of smoke and mirrors involved in this whole EU debate. As always, Litopia concentrates on bringing you the raw, unvarnished voices of those who don’t normally get a fair crack of the whip from mainstream media. Tonight’s show will make you think long and hard about such things as corporatism and fascism; the Enlightenment and post-rationalism; and what may happen to the concept of democr